County Of Stanislaus (ca)
Recent News About County Of Stanislaus (ca)
Stanislaus County ranks 28th in California for government transfer dependency at 23.5% in 2022
In 2022, government transfers made up 23.5% of income in Stanislaus County—ranking it 28th most dependent among California counties.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group to be held on December 14, 2020
Support groups for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's Disease or related dementia.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: Commission On Aging (COA) Advisory Board Meeting to be held on December 14, 2020
The Commission on Aging is an advisory council to the Area Agency on Aging.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: First5 Commission Meeting to be held on December 8, 2020
First5 Commission Meeting 4pm: Held at the SCOE Board Room.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: First5 Executive Committee to be held on December 2, 2020
Executive Committee 12:15 pm: All Committee meetings held at First 5 Stanislaus office.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: Services to Older Adults Advisory Council Meeting to be held on December 2, 2020
STOAAC networking meeting is sponsored by the Stanislaus County Area Agency on Aging. Each meeting begins with an informative presentation
STANISLAUS COUNTY: Stroke Resources Support Group to be held on November 25, 2020
Support group for persons recovering from a stroke and their caregivers.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: Alzheimer's/ Dementia Support Group to be held on November 18, 2020
Support group for family, friends and caregivers of loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's or other kinds of dementia.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: Rad Card Program Expands to Support Stanislaus County Downtowns
With Stanislaus County small businesses reeling from the effects of COVID-related restrictions, Stanislaus County officials are partnering with the Downtown Modesto Partnership for a ‘win-win’ program that puts more spending dollars in consumer wallets for purchases at downtown restaurants and retailers.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: Stanislaus County Housing for the Harvest
Stanislaus County has added the Housing for the Harvest program to its existing COVID-19 response framework made up of a multi-disciplinary coalition of county agencies, community-based organizations, health partners, and contracted vendors.
STANISLAUS COUNTY: Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group to be held on November 2, 2020
Support groups for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's Disease or related dementia. Another group for persons diagnosed with dementia meets at the same facility, Monday, 10:30-noon.